The web­site uses inform­a­tion saved using “Cook­ie” files, i.e. IT data stored in users’ end devices inten­ded for using web­sites. These files allow to recog­nize the user­’s device and prop­erly dis­play the web­site tailored to indi­vidu­al pref­er­ences. They usu­ally con­tain the name of the web­site they come from, the stor­age time on the end device and a unique number.


The web­site uses the fol­low­ing cookies:

  1. Neces­sary: ​​neces­sary for the prop­er func­tion­ing of the web­site — files pro­cessed on the basis of the legit­im­ate interest of the admin­is­trat­or (Art­icle 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR);
  2. Stat­ist­ic­al: they allow us to study web­site traffic, learn about the pref­er­ences of our users, ana­lyze their beha­vi­or on the web­site and enable inter­ac­tion with extern­al net­works and plat­forms — files pro­cessed on the basis of the user­’s vol­un­tary con­sent (Art­icle 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR);
  3. Mar­ket­ing: they allow us to adjust the dis­played advert­ise­ments and con­tent to the pref­er­ences of our users and con­duct per­son­al­ized cam­paigns mar­ket­ing — files pro­cessed on the basis of the user­’s vol­un­tary con­sent (Art­icle 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).


Cook­ie files used by the web­site are stored in accord­ance with the fol­low­ing information:

  • neces­sary: ​​these are per­man­ent, ses­sion files (deleted after clos­ing the win­dow) and stored for 30 days;
  • stat­ist­ic­al: these are ses­sion files (deleted after clos­ing the win­dow) and stored from 1 day to 2 years;
  • mar­ket­ing: these are ses­sion files (deleted after clos­ing the win­dow) and stored from 1 day to 1 year.


  1. By default, most inter­net browsers avail­able on the mar­ket accept sav­ing Cook­ie files by default.
  2. The user has the option of spe­cify­ing the terms of using cook­ies using the set­tings of his own web browser — this means that he may, for example, par­tially lim­it (e.g. tem­por­ar­ily) or com­pletely dis­able the option of sav­ing cook­ies on his device — in the lat­ter case it may be impact on some of the web­site’s functionalities.
  3. Detailed inform­a­tion on chan­ging cook­ie set­tings and their self-remov­al in the most pop­u­lar web browsers are avail­able in the help sec­tion of the web browser.
  4. The web­site uses the Google Ana­lyt­ics ser­vice — detailed inform­a­tion on how Google uses the data col­lec­ted when using part­ners’ web­sites and applic­a­tions is avail­able at:

We also encour­age you to read our Pri­vacy Policy.