We will help you find your­self at home. We will sup­port you in chan­ging your place of res­id­ence. We will help with form­al­it­ies and acclimatization.

Relo­ca­tion Package

We offer an extremely com­pet­it­ive remu­ner­a­tion on the Pol­ish mar­ket, which depends on your exper­i­ence and skills.

Attract­ive salary

We will share our know­ledge and exper­i­ence with you. We will fin­ance the train­ing. Your pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment is import­ant to us.


We employ high-class spe­cial­ists from all over the world who carry out pro­jects in cooper­a­tion with uni­ver­sit­ies and research centers.

Inter­dis­cip­lin­ary projects

Dur­ing inform­al meet­ings, ideas are born, and an atmo­sphere, rela­tion­ships and syn­ergy are cre­ated, which are extremely valu­able to us.

A lot of coffee