The goal of the Sol­ar Fact­ory pro­ject is imple­ment­a­tion of new tech­no­logy and launch of a high-effi­ciency thin-film PV mod­ule pro­duc­tion line by apply­ing and form­ing the CIGS lay­er using high-intens­ity light pulses.

PV tech­no­logy (photo­vol­ta­ic pan­els) has reached the level of read­i­ness to revo­lu­tion­ize the power sys­tem, enabling con­sumers to pro­duce energy for their own needs and dis­charge the sur­plus to the grid. Nev­er­the­less, solu­tions that increase the effi­ciency of photo­vol­ta­ic cells are still being sought. 2nd gen­er­a­tion CIGS cells avail­able on the mar­ket do not achieve 18% effi­ciency and mod­ule sta­bil­ity (90% effi­ciency after 10 years). The level of mod­ule effi­ciency is the main require­ment and at the same time, a bar­ri­er to the market.

The imple­ment­a­tion of Rol­tec tech­no­logy will allow in the second half of 2022 to start the pro­duc­tion of mod­ules with an effi­ciency of 18%, with reduced pro­duc­tion costs and sta­bil­ity of the stand­ard mod­ules (90% effi­ciency after 10 years) com­pared to the pre­vi­ously known and offered on the market.

The Rol­tec inven­tion (pat­ent applic­a­tion No. P.427122) con­cerns the improve­ment of the CIGS lay­er applic­a­tion tech­no­logy using vacu­um meth­ods (evap­or­a­tion meth­od, mag­net­ron sput­ter­ing and sel­en­iz­a­tion / sulfurization)

SOLAR FACTORY Pro­ject in numbers:

The tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tion (inven­tion) leads to a sig­ni­fic­ant devel­op­ment of tech­no­logy, including:
  1. Obtain­ing a bet­ter and con­trolled degree of crys­tal­liz­a­tion of the CIGS lay­er — includ­ing con­trol of the crys­tal com­pos­i­tion in the growth phase.
  2. Obtain­ing a CIGS lay­er with lower rough­ness and lar­ger grain size (crys­tal domains).
  3. Pos­sib­il­ity of apply­ing crys­tals of dif­fer­ent com­pos­i­tion (gradi­ent cells) and high degree of crystallization.
  4. Thanks to the above, high­er effi­cien­cies of PV mod­ules are obtained.
  5. Short­en­ing the time of CIGS lay­er pro­duc­tion (in-situ and post-treatment).
  6. Lower­ing the tem­per­at­ure needed to form the CIGS lay­er — allow­ing use of flex­ible substrates.

The invest­ment is in line with the assumptions:

  • Strategy for smart, sus­tain­able and inclus­ive growth Europe 2020 — the pro­ject will influ­ence the imple­ment­a­tion of innov­at­ive solu­tions and increase the level of innov­at­ive invest­ments in the EU. The applic­ant, as a com­pany from the SME sec­tor, devel­ops the indus­tri­al base, which increases the eco­nom­ic com­pet­it­ive­ness of the region, as well as nation­al and European.
  • Of the Updated Devel­op­ment Strategy of the Great­er Poland Region until 2020 “Wielko­pol­ska 2020” — one of the most prom­ising indus­tries is the pro­duc­tion of machinery and equip­ment, the imple­ment­a­tion of the pro­ject dir­ectly affects the imple­ment­a­tion of the strategy object­ives (object­ives 4.2, 6.1 and 6.5).
  • Region­al Innov­a­tion Strategy for Grater Poland for 2015–2020. The update (imple­ment­a­tion) of the new tech­no­logy being sub­ject of the pro­ject fits in the areas of smart spe­cial­iz­a­tion “Industry of tomorrow”.