Why Rol­tec?

ROLTEC con­sists of inter­dis­cip­lin­ary spe­cial­ists rep­res­ent­ing the world of sci­ence and busi­ness. By cre­at­ing a team of pro­fes­sion­als, we took full respons­ib­il­ity for our actions and prom­ises to reduce the car­bon foot­print and care for the nat­ur­al envir­on­ment. We are enthu­si­asts, experts and fans of renew­able energy. We want to cross tech­no­lo­gic­al and cre­at­ive bound­ar­ies. At Rol­tec, we tell new and excit­ing stor­ies about photovoltaics.

Our pas­sion began with love for clean energy. Our pan­els are made in the CIGS tech­no­logy, which makes them: dur­able, flex­ible, highly effi­cient even in dif­fi­cult con­di­tions, widely used.

ROLTEC was foun­ded in 2013. The ori­gin­al area of ​​activ­ity was the pro­duc­tion and pro­cessing of glass and metal­lurgy in a broad sense. How­ever, the chan­ging real­ity con­stantly inspires us to expand the area of ​​our activ­it­ies. Cur­rently, ROLTEC is run­ning a num­ber of projects.

A pro­ject of an autonom­ous robot that cleans and con­trols the con­di­tion of sol­ar pan­els — Sol­ar­Bot, is cur­rently under­way. We have fully equipped thin-film photo­vol­ta­ics labor­at­ory with state-of-the-art research equip­ment, coupled with a large-scale pilot line cap­able of pro­du­cing fully func­tion­al thin-film CIGS mod­ules. As soon as in 2022, ROLTEC, as the only pro­du­cer in Poland, will start large-scale pro­duc­tion of thin-film photo­vol­ta­ic panels.